Tours Zaragoza » Our chicken Paella

Our chicken Paella

Paella is one of the best-known dishes in the Spanish cuisine. the origin of the first one is in Valencia. Afther little by little would expand throughout Spain and the world. we are going to give you the steps and the secrets to cook in your house my delicious chicken paella.

The ingredients for 2 people are:

  • 200gr of Bomba rice or medium grain rice, such as Calrose
  • 250gr of Chicken thighs or chicken wing and drumsticks
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 50 gr green been
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 50 gr of ripe tomato to sherd or Fried tomato from a pot.
  • Sweet paprika
  • 10 Strands of Saffron
  • 1 Liter of chicken broth (Homemade or tin)
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt

Now, please you follow our kitchen steps below:

1- Cut the garlic into very small pieces and reserve it.

2- Cut the green pepper into very small pieces and green been into several pieces of about 5 centimeter and reserve it.

3- Cut the red pepper into thin strips and reserve it in a plate.

4- Grate the tomato and reserve it in a deep plate.

5- Heat the liter chicken broth in a bowl (not boiling)

6- Put the paella pan over medium heat and put extra virgin olive oil.

7- When olive oil is hot, the first thing cook the chicken wings and thighs (add salt to taste), while the chicken is cooked,  fry the red pepper strips, when it is ready, reserve the pepper on a plate, with the chicken also golden brown on both sides, set it aside on the sides of the paella

Secret: It is very important to brown all the meat very well, soft fire and without haste, that everything is well fried, therein lies part of the secret of a good paella.

8- Green beans and green pepper fry in the center of the paella,. you fry them carefully, without burning. Separate the vegetables to the sides of the paella and toss the grated tomato in the center, add salt and fry it.

9- When the tomato released all the water. Then, add a teaspoon of paprika coffee and stir it quickly.

Secret: stirring avoiding burning, because the pepper would bitter the flavor.

10- Once the above ingredients are cooked well, remove them and let it fry everything together for a few moments. The meat must be well brown and the vegetables and tomato well fried. Next, add the rice and pray it well, leave it for a few minutes

11- Next, add the chicken broth that you had reserved, until almost the edge of the paella or flying pan. Raise the heat and when it begins to boil, add the saffron. Test and rectify the point of salt.

Secret: It is better that the broth becomes salty so that the rice reaches its point of salt

12- Let cook, over medium heat, from 30 to 40 minutes. If the water drops below the level of half a tablespoon, vertically, or below the internal rivets of the paella handles, more water is added. then taste the rice to see if it is cooked.

Secret: In this step not move the rice,  the grain to stay loose, otherwise you cook a risotto.

13- Add as a decoration the red pepper strips as you like.

14- If you want to get Socarrat (a caramelized layer that created between the paella pan and the rest of the rice), when it finished, leave the paella pan to simmer for 5 minutes so that the bottom of the pan burns a little.

15- Remove the paella from the fire and place a cloth on it to let it rest for about 5 minutes.

If you need advice or have any questions, feel free to write to us at, we are also happy that you sent us photos to see the final result and If you visit Zaragoza, we offer you this midday central market tour and Spanish cooking class